Good ways to earn money in Toussaint

One thing the new Blood & Wine expansion for the Witcher 3 brought are a few new ways to spend some serious coin. I managed to barely affort a set of Grandmaster Witcher armor, but only by spending everything I had in coins and selling a significant amount of the more expensive crafting ingredients.

Now I'm standing in my fancy new estate, Corvo Bianco, but I'm too broke to afford renovating it.

I'm guessing there are also new ways to earn coin, and not only to spend it in this expansion. So what are some efficient ways to earn more money in Toussaint?

So what are some efficient ways to earn more money in Toussaint?

Well, in Toussaint there are no specific new ways to make money.

There are the traditional ways:

  • Doing and cashing in Witcher Contracts
  • Exploring the "Unexplored Places" (question marks) on the map
  • Side-Quests
  • Looting and selling

But in Toussaint there is some really interesting and good loot to sell and get good money from.

Spread throughout Toussaint there are open Houses (normal houses where people live in). These houses are filled with jewellery like necklaces, rings, etc (Some even have diamonds lying about).

So I found myself getting almost 3000 just from loot of 3/4 houses. I consider that to be pretty good. So if you wish to explorer a bit feel free to get the loot off these houses and put it to good use.

P.S: There is also a "naughty" way to make money found after patch 1.2 (Blood & Wine)

You can perform the bee-hive glitch with Willis in White Orchard to get yourself a huge amount of money in a really low amount of time.

I didn't do it myself because I wanted more of a fend for myself experience but you can do whatever you want so I'll put it here for the sake of spreading knowledge. In the future this bug may be patched out

Willis - Beehive Bug

Since the video can be brought down I will explain what it consists of:

  1. First go talk to Willis in White Orchard (You must have done his quest to unlock his shop)
  2. Buy whatever you can from him (the more money Willis has, the better)
  3. After giving him all your money go next to the hut by the river close to Willis and there should be a beehive in the trees. If there isn't one meditate for 1/2 hours.
  4. Knock the beehive down with Aard and continue taking it through to Willis. When you're close to the village make sure you bring the beehive through the back (from Willis back) so that you Aard isn't blocked.
  5. Once close make sure you put the beehive close to Willis so that the bees kill the NPC.
  6. When he dies he falls to the ground and drops everything he owns (his money too).
  7. Meditate for 1 hour and he will respawn and die again (the other body doesn't disappear neither does the loot)
  8. Do this a few times and you can loot all the money from all the multiple Willis NPC's on the floor.

Summing it all up, if Willis has 15000 and you do the procedure 20 times you can make 300 000 in under 5 minutes.

If you're rather high in level (38-40) you can get a small fortune from looting corpses over at Hanse Base by the Arthach Palace Ruins. Lots of enemies spawn so heads up, but the maces that the bandits drop there sell for between 83-150 crowns, swords for ~210 crowns over at the Grandmaster smith. Kill enough of them and you can get 1000-2000 crowns from it per run.