Correct usage(s) of const_cast<>

As a common rule, it is very often considered a bad practice to use const_cast<>() in C++ code as it reveals (most of the time) a flaw in the design.

While I totally agree with this, I however wonder what are the cases were using const_cast<>() is ok and the only solution.

Could you guys please give me some examples you know/you encountered ?

Thank you very much.

it is pretty much designed to be only used with legacy APIs that are not const correct i.e. with a function you can't change that has non const interface but doesn't actually mutate anything on the interface

Like others have said, its primary purpose is to remove const from objects in order to pass to non-const correct functions you know won't modify the argument.

There is a trick (by Meyers?) to avoid code duplication, and it goes like this:

struct foo
    const return_type& get(void) const
        // fancy pants code that you definitely
        // don't want to repeat

        return theValue; // and got it

    return_type& get(void)
        // well-defined: Add const to *this,
        // call the const version, then
        // const-cast to remove const (because
        // *this is non-const, this is ok)
        return const_cast<return_type&>(static_cast<const foo&>(*this).get());

const_cast is also used to remove volatile modifiers, as put into practice in this (controversed) article:

I agree with your statement that its normal use is because you need to hide a 'design flaw'.

IME one of the typical usage scenarios is when you try to interface C++ to existing C code. A lot of existing C code takes C strings as char * even when the string is not modified whereas they're usually represented as something that converts to a const char * in C++. That's an impedance mismatch between the two languages that you would normally solve by using a const_cast. Of course you'd better be very sure that the code you're interfacing with doesn't get any cute ideas about modifying the data that's being passed in.

I would say that it's a code smells in newly written code, but for interfacing with older C and C++ code, it's an necessary evil. That said, I would be extremely wary of code that requires const_cast for any non-POD objects as that is normally a problem that should be solved at the design level and not the code level.