Is there a term among heavy computer users for a cat who treads on the keyboard to highly deleterious effect?

The question line pretty much says it all. I'm not asking why, or how to stop it. I am asking if this behavior has generated a term or phrase amongst cat-loving heavy computer users.

From the comments and the two answers, it seems that cats on keyboards (piano and computer) are well known, but that there is no widely accepted term or phrase for the havoc they can wreak. Correct?

A really terribly clever one would be


If you don't get it, check out trader's lingo (I mean, stock-market traders).

I nominate "Kitten on the Keys," after the 1921 ragtime hit by American composer Edward Elzear "Zez" Confrey. You may listen to it here as you contemplate actual feline computer keyboarding, like the original "Keyboard Cat" (since promoted to a meme) or perhaps this more relaxed style.