Software to aid writing Research Papers [closed]

Have been working on this white paper for weeks, and have been having a very rough time with all the links and reference material i have found online, finally got them organized but this is a very manual procedure are there any software's that:

1) Organize , sort and bookmark your links and reference pages and give you one click access to them

2) Auto generate the bibliography, based on what you already linked

3) Give you templates of research paper layouts

4) Templates and examples of index's

P.S: Need software for Windows XP, and it can be a paid software

Have you taken a look at Lyx?

LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG).

If you combine it with a good bibtex frontend like JabRef you have a winning duo.

Let's take your requests one by one:

Organize , sort and bookmark your links and reference pages and give you one click access to them

JabRef does a wonderful job with letting you enter, categorise and organise your bibliography entries.

JabRef screen

Auto generate the bibliography, based on what you already linked

This is a snap with Lyx. Simply include your JabRef-managed bibliography file and start quoting from it. Add a bibliography entry and it will be auto-generated.

Lyx citation

Give you templates of research paper layouts

Lyx, being based on Latex, has a wealth of formats suitable for various journals and institutions.

Templates and examples of indexes

Indexes are automatically managed, once you add index entries.

Endnote is very good for this.

If you use Firefox, Zotero is an extension that is also pretty good. I used it for Chicago/Turabian papers, though at the time, it didn't have bibliography generation for it. Check here to see if yours is supported.