Exhaustive condition of switch case in Swift

Solution 1:

Swift only truly verifies that a switch block is exhaustive when working with enum types. Even a switching on Bool requires a default block in addition to true and false:

var b = true
switch b {
case true:  println("true")
case false: println("false")
// error: switch must be exhaustive, consider adding a default clause

With an enum, however, the compiler is happy to only look at the two cases:

enum MyBool {
    case True
    case False

var b = MyBool.True
switch b {
case .True:  println("true")
case .False: println("false")

If you need to include a default block for the compiler's sake but don't have anything for it to do, the break keyword comes in handy:

var b = true
switch b {
case true:  println("true")
case false: println("false")
default: break

Solution 2:

Part of why you see that error because the compiler can't verify that switch is exhaustive without running code. The expression 0...65535 creates a ClosedInterval struct, and when the switch statement executes it has to ask that struct if the value quantity is in the interval. There's room for that to change at run time, so the compiler can't check it at compile time. (See the Halting Problem.)

More generally, the compiler can't detect an exhaustive switch for integer values — even if you add specific cases for every integer value (case 0: ... case 1: ... ... case 65535:), it doesn't know your switch is exhaustive. (Theoretically it could, though: consider filing a feature request about this if it's something you'd like to see.)

As it stands, there are two scenarios where Swift can detect completeness and allow you to omit the default clause: enums and value binding in tuples. @NateCook's answer covers enums — if you switch on an enum value and have a case in your switch for every case in the enum, you don't need a default. You also don't need a default label if you switch on a tuple and bind every possible combination of values, as seen in the Swift book:

switch anotherPoint {
case (let x, 0):
    println("on the x-axis with an x value of \(x)")
case (0, let y):
    println("on the y-axis with a y value of \(y)")
case let (x, y):
    println("somewhere else at (\(x), \(y))")

You might generalize this rule as "if the type system knows about the possible values of your type, it can detect switch completeness", but the fact that there's a level on which the type system doesn't know the range of possible (e.g.) UInt32 values is sort of splitting hairs...