Get Excel 2007 to close completely after creating a macro in the personal macro workbook

I created a few macros in Excel 2007 and I saved them in the personal macro workbook.

Since then, I've deleted the macros. Note: You have to unhide the workbook, delete the macro and then hide it again to accomplish this.

Now, every time I open Excel, create/edit a workbook and click the close/exit (red X) button, Excel acts like a just closed the workbook and not the whole application. So I have to click the close/exit button one more time.

I think this is because every time Excel is opened, the personal macro workbook is opened also (only hidden). Then, when you close it, the macro workbook stays open for whatever reason.

It's annoying to have to double-click to close the application. Any ways to fix this?

If you have deleted all the macros from the personal macro workbook, you can delete the file PERSONAL.XLSB. This should cause Excel to stop doing what you described.

The file should be in one of:



C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\XLStart

or similar, depending on Windows version, etc.

You can also hold down Shift as you click the "X" to close all open workbooks and Excel completely.

One more solution: click on the 'Office Button' in the upper left hand corner of your screen - right click on 'Exit Excel' - then choose 'Add to Quick Access Toolbar'. This will place an 'X' on your toolbar which only needs to be clicked once to close Excel completely.