Is there a single word that can represent "lingering fear"?

"Lingering fear" is when after a fearful/traumatic experience, you still have some fright remaining despite there are no more dangers. I was wondering if there's any single word that can possibly represent this?

Residual Fear, vestigial and impending;

If the fear is pathological, then the given answers, neurosis (Charon) and PTSD (Centaurus ) would be best to describe the psychological trauma.

But the fear experienced in everyday life may be unpleasant but not damaging. Such fear, if it is a vestige, is experienced as (Oxford definitions)

'perturbation(the state of feeling anxious about something that has happened),'
'haunting (beautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be forgotten).'

If there is also menace of the fear returning there is, (Merriam-Webster definitions)

'foreboding(presentiment especially of coming evil),'
'trepidation(: a feeling of fear that causes you to hesitate because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to happen),'
'edginess'( characterized by tension) may be experienced.

Clearly a widespread experience, and there are many shades of meaning to choose from.

Dread? That emotion is often based on a previous experience,although it can relate to future possible events.