What is the English equivalent of a vulgar expression for continuous nagging?

Solution 1:

I think the closest fit, albeit not as vulgar, is:

They chewed my ear off.

Solution 2:

A harpy according to Dictionary.com is

  1. a ravenous, filthy monster having a woman's head and a bird's body.
  2. (lowercase) a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman; shrew.

So for example, you could say, 'I wish my wife would quit harping on me to take the trash out.'

Solution 3:

To do someone's head in (British informal)

Defined under head, phrases (defn. 10) as:

make someone feel annoyed, confused or frustrated

'My relationship with my publicist was doing my head in.'

Source: ODO

Solution 4:

Here are some ideas:

  • They got on my nerves. (You're right, this is not very strong.)

  • They drove me up the wall, drove me nuts, drove me up the wall, drove me crazy, drove me mad, drove me berserk.

  • He kept at me until I was ready to wring his neck.

  • They made my life a living hell. (My favorite)

Solution 5:

Carping is a possibility, although it doesn't have the nuance of "brain damage via nagging".

From m-w.com: "Marked by or inclined to querulous and often perverse criticism."