Next Firefox version: how to *easily* check extension/add-on compatibility?


I currently use Firefox 3.6. Before I install the next version of Firefox (Firefox 4 at this time), is there an easy way to check which of all my installed extensions/add-ons are compatible with it?


I am hoping for a one-click solution, since I don't want to install FF4 first and than see some of them incompatible, and I don't want to check every homepage of every installed extension to see which version they support.

Perhaps there exists an 'list highest compatible FF version of each add-on' extension? I googled for this but couldn't find anything...

This question is also kind of generic for any future versions of FF, as I had the same problem when going from FF 1 to 2, and from 2 to 3. Back then, I didn't mind fiddling about and trying various things, now I do.

Edit: Ideally, I should be able to check a checkbox somewhere to make an extension (or Firefox itself --> hint for the FF developpers) monitor whether my add-ons are compatible, and notify me (with a pop-up) once they are, so I can upgrade. While I guess it's nice for statistics and so that Mozilla provides a huge list of compatible extensions and the average user adaoption, it would have been more useful if I as a user could more easily check my personal situation.

Edit 2: Seems I was not alone with my question: see this lifehacker post.

Solution 1:

Maybe the Firefox add-on Is it compatible? will help you (it helped me). It simply adds compatibility information into the list of installed add-ons.

Solution 2:

Or perhaps you could check out the Add-on Compatibility Center.

There is a report there that lists the add-ons that make up 95% of all installed add-ons sorted by popularity. (I'd link it but there's no direct URL.)