How to enable NTFS 3G? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Alternative approach - may be unstable or cause data corruption

While you can use NTFS-3G for accessing NTFS drives, it should be noted that recent versions of macOS support writing to NTFS drives natively. This option however is hidden from the GUI and you'd normally need the terminal to do it:

sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw,auto,nobrowse /dev/disk3s1 ~/ntfs-volume

Uwe Hollatz created Mounty, which is a nifty tool to automate this process. It sits in your taskbar waiting for NTFS drives to be detected.

Mounty screenshot

If you use Homebrew, install it with the following command:

brew cask install mounty

Otherwise, download the DMG from its website.

Solution 2:

Operations need to be done in a particular state: by disabling System Integrity Protection. See

Here is the relevant part:

  1. Link NTFS-3G to boot after temporary disabling System Integrity Protection, as follow:

[reboot by holding CMD+R to get in recovery mode]

   csrutil disable

[reboot normally]

   sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original
   sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs

[reboot by holding CMD+R to get in recovery mode]

   csrutil enable

[reboot normally]

Note: If the mv command fails with No such file or directory, then it's not a problem, just ignore it. The important command is the ln command.