MySql workbench query history ( last executed query / queries ) i.e. create / alter table, select, insert update queries

From the bottom panel, change "Action Output" to "History" and then choose the appropriate date.

Alternatively, the SQL statement history is stored in text files under two locations:

  • sql_history/yyyy-mm-dd e.g., sql_history/2015-04-01: Full Workbench SQL history for all MySQL connections
  • log/sql_actions_.log*: SQL history execution results, but without the data, and separated per MySQL connection

The location of these files depends on your system. For additional details, see MySQL Workbench Settings and Log Files

In both cases, you will see the query history.

enter image description here


you find a log file for each day. It includes manual and automated queries from workbench (e.g. UPDATES via edit in Table)