Is the sum of a Darboux function and a continuous function Darboux?

A Darboux function is a function that has the intermediate value property. That is a function $f$ such that

$$ \forall a,b \in \mathbb{R} : f[a,b] \supseteq [f(a),f(b)] \cup[f(b),f(a)] $$

We define the sum of two functions as such

$$ (f+g)(x) = f(x)+g(x)$$

Now the question is:

If $f$ is a Darboux function and $g$ is a continuous function, must $f+g$ be a Darboux function as well?

This is a very good question that leads into some fairly hard mathematics: the answer depends on what set theoretic assumptions you are prepared to make. If you assume the continuum hypothesis, there are what are called universally bad Darboux functions $f$ such that $f+g$ is not Darboux for any non-constant continuous $g$. See and the references it cites.