What addons are common in Garry's mod? [closed]

Solution 1:

The addons that really do "add on" to GMod; that improve it as a sandbox, toolset, and game - the ones I'd consider "essential", are:

  • Advanced Duplicator 2

  • Wiremod

  • The unofficial Wiremod extras pack (UWSVN)
  • Fin
  • Easy Precision
  • Weight
  • Buoyancy
  • Unbreakable
  • Stacker

The less essential but not on the list (due to being too specific or too akward for multiplayer):

  • PewPew
  • Gravity Hull (Local Physics)
  • Advanced Teleporter
  • Make Spherical
  • Breakable Props
  • Door

Google them, make sure to go for the one that looks the most legit, recently updated, and widely used - generally, if a project has an SVN, then use that as the source rather than downloading a static archive file.

Solution 2:

Some common ones that online servers will use are Wiremod and PHX. Up until a few months ago, PHX had to be downloaded manually, but now comes with Gmod. Wiremod will help avoid those pesky purple squares on some servers, as well as the absolutely huge download.

I recommend owning and loading Counter-Strike: Source on in the extensions. A HUGE number of servers use CSS content now.

Solution 3:

If popularity is a good measure, then you should take a look at available addons sorted by number of downloads : http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=list&b=downloads

The top 3 right now is:

Nuke Pack 4 (official)

Dismemberment Mod

MP3 Player With Remixes.zip

If you prefer video, there is a video on Youtube you might find interesting. And another video with even more addons.