Fetching e-mails into Redmine via IMAP

From rake redmine:email:receive_imap does not receive mails :

In the model issue.rb there is a code

validates_presence_of :subject, :description, :priority, :project, :tracker, :author, :status

which says that priority is mandatory field. So i cannot create issue without receiving the value for priority parameter.

I am not a user of rake and do not have your environment, but you could check if you have some validation rule somewhere that causes email to fail. From your example, you only have project and tracker in the email, so requiring more will cause it to fail.

You could also try unknown_user=accept no-permission-check=1 based on: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineReceivingEmails#Enabling-unknown-users-to-create-issues-by-email

For more help, see your Redmine: lib/tasks/email.rake and lib/redmine/imap.rb

After quite a lot of finagling, I figured out that in my case, the problem was that my project name had a space in it. I was quoting the name (project="My Project"), but the code just silently failed. When I replaced the project name with the fixed single-token name (project="my_project"). It worked.

The most frustrating thing for me was not having sufficient diagnostic feedback.