Running two commands in crontab

I have this line in my crontab file

*/1 * * * * espeak 'foo' && espeak 'bar'

But only half of it, first command gets executed every minute.

While when I write this in the terminal it works like a charm.

Is there a different way to execute 2 commands in the same line in the crontab file ?

&& is interpreted by bash as one of the operators that separate pipelines in a command line. If you call those commands from bash both should run:

*/1 * * * * bash -c 'espeak "foo" && espeak "bar"'

Using && in crontab is correct.

If the second command is not executed, it means that the first command does not return successfully. You may then want to use espeak 'foo'; espeak 'bar' (so the second command is executed whatever the first one returns), but that does not tell you why the first command does not return successfully.