Print styles: How to ensure image doesn't span a page break

The only means I can think of is to use one (or potentially more) of the following css rules:

img {
    page-break-before: auto; /* 'always,' 'avoid,' 'left,' 'inherit,' or 'right' */
    page-break-after: auto; /* 'always,' 'avoid,' 'left,' 'inherit,' or 'right' */
    page-break-inside: avoid; /* or 'auto' */

I half-recall that these declarations only apply to block-level elements (so you'd also have to define display: block; on your image, or use some kind of wrapping container and apply the rules to that (whether it's in a paragraph, div, span, list, etc...).

Some useful discussion here: "What are most usefule media="print" specific, cross-browser compatible CSS properties?"


  • page-break-after.
  • page-break-before.
  • page-break-inside.