Is it possible to automatically switch between scrolling?

When I can, I prefer my own home-rolled solution to adding more third party software and if you want to toggle the state of the Scroll direction: natural checkbox, which is a global setting and found under both the Mouse and the Trackpad preference panes, under Point & Click, in System Preferences, you can use the following AppleScript code saved as an application and then place it in the Dock via drag and drop.

  • Note that because this is a global setting, it doesn't matter whether you check/uncheck from either the Mouse or the Trackpad preference panes and as such I've coded this to target the Mouse preference pane as it should have the checkbox even when a Trackpad isn't present.

I saved the following AppleScript code in Script Editor as an application named: Toggle Natural Scrolling

on run
        tell application "System Preferences"
            set current pane to pane ""
        end tell
        tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences"
            tell radio button 1 of tab group 1 of window 1 to if value is 0 then click
            set cbValue to value of (click checkbox 1 of tab group 1 of window 1)
        end tell
        tell application "System Preferences" to quit
        tell me
            if cbValue is equal to 1 then
                -- display dialog "Natural scrolling is now active." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "Toggle Natural Scrolling" giving up after 3
                display notification "Natural scrolling is now active."
                -- display dialog "Natural scrolling is no longer active." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "Toggle Natural Scrolling" giving up after 3
                display notification "Natural scrolling is no longer active."
            end if
        end tell
    on error eStr number eNum
        display dialog eStr & " number " & eNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "Toggle Natural Scrolling" with icon caution
    end try
end run

As presently coded the display dialog commands are commented out and are there because I originally wrote this under OS X 10.8.5, which doesn't support the display notification command, however I've also tested (some of the code) under macOS 10.12 and why the display notification command is being used. I've left both in the code since I do not know which version you're running and you can comment/uncomment accordingly.

Under OS X 10.9 and later, you will need to add the Toggle Natural Scrolling to Accessibility, under Privacy, under Security & Privacy preferences, in System Preferences. If you don’t, you’ll get the following error when running it:

Toggle Natural Scrolling is not allowed assistive access. number -1719