Convert timedelta64[ns] column to seconds in Python Pandas DataFrame

Solution 1:

This works properly in the current version of Pandas (version 0.14):

In [132]: df[:5]['duration'] / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
0    1232
1    1390
2    1495
3     797
4    1132
Name: duration, dtype: float64

Here is a workaround for older versions of Pandas/NumPy:

In [131]: df[:5]['duration'].values.view('<i8')/10**9
Out[131]: array([1232, 1390, 1495,  797, 1132], dtype=int64)

timedelta64 and datetime64 data are stored internally as 8-byte ints (dtype '<i8'). So the above views the timedelta64s as 8-byte ints and then does integer division to convert nanoseconds to seconds.

Note that you need NumPy version 1.7 or newer to work with datetime64/timedelta64s.

Solution 2:

Use the Series dt accessor to get access to the methods and attributes of a datetime (timedelta) series.

>>> s
0   -1 days +23:45:14.304000
1   -1 days +23:46:57.132000
2   -1 days +23:49:25.913000
3   -1 days +23:59:48.913000
4            00:00:00.820000
dtype: timedelta64[ns]
>>> s.dt.total_seconds()
0   -885.696
1   -782.868
2   -634.087
3    -11.087
4      0.820
dtype: float64

There are other Pandas Series Accessors for String, Categorical, and Sparse data types.