How can I run Android emulator for Intel x86 Atom without hardware acceleration on Windows 8 for API 21 and 19?

Solution 1:

In current AVD manager you can't. You just have the opportunity to use ARM images which will not need hardware virtualization.

To run ARM images:

  1. Open AVD manager.
  2. Create a new 'Virtual Device' OR right click an existing image and select 'Duplicate'
  3. Choose arm* instead of x86/x64.
  4. Continue with the wizard.
  5. Run!

Although this is the available solution but still a slow one !!

Solution 2:

You can still force the use of the soft x86 emulator by running it from the command line and using the -no-accel option, i.e. from the SDK/tools directory:

emulator -avd AVD_NAME -memory 768 -no-accel -gpu on

BUT this still won't work with the current (V24) SDK, because the current x86 system images crash the soft x86 emulator :-(

The only way I got this working again was to downgrade the SDK tools to V22.3 from here: and to buld an AVD using a downgraded system image, for instance (So this is no help if you need to test on more recent versions of Android).

Google have moved on to an updated version of their emulator based on a more recent version of qemu, and provide binaries for arm and mips emulators, but have omitted to ship the x86 equivalent (there is no emulator-ranchu-x86.exe and emulator64-ranchu-x86.exe). If they did so, or if someone else went to the trouble of setting up and compiling their emulator source with the "x86" flag on, then _x86 soft emulation could conceivably be made to work again.