Custom short commands to open apps

Is it possible to create custom short commands to run apps and open folders, to be called in Spotlight?

I mean, I'd like to create custom commands so I just open Spotlight ( + space) then run things like:

  • cEnter to run /Applications/Google\\ Chrome
  • sEnter to run /Applications/
  • gEnter to run /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --app=""
  • wEnter to run /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --app=""
  • workEnter to open the folder /Users/myusername/Documents/workspace/
  • servEnter to run something in the Terminal

And so on... I think you know what I mean!


PS: I am coming from Windows, where I would: add a folder to the %PATH% variable, throw shortcuts in this folder dragging and dropping icons with the right mouse button, then rename them shortcuts to the alias I want. Then it is just Win+R to run my stuff. Trying to figure out a equivalent on Mac. Adding a folder to $PATH and creating executable scripts in it didn't work.

Spotlight can't do this. You can probably hack something using AppleScript, Automator etc, but it might be easier to use Alfred which allows for this and a lot of other interesting things.

enter image description here

For your scenario it will actually learn which application you pick from the list and offer it as the default selection after a few times.