How do I remove the contact photo from the window of received mail in Outlook 2007?

Solution 1:

Contact picture displayed in e-mail header All e-mail messages received from a contact for which you have a picture will display the contact’s picture to the right of the message header. To disable this feature, deploy the following registry data:

Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail DWORD: ShowContactPicture Values:1 (or missing DWORD) = show contact picture if available 0 = do not show contact picture

Solution 2:

In Outlook 2010,

All you need to do is:

File > Options > Contacts

And uncheck the box next to "Show user photographs when available"

Ok and then restart Outlook.

Solution 3:

If you really need to do this, I would suggest looking at creating and distributing a custom Outlook form for mail items that excludes the contact photo. I know of no other option to prevent contact photos from displaying short of removing them from the contact entry entirely.

A couple of links that might help:
Designing Outlook Forms (General Info)
Editing Message Forms

Solution 4:

I found the solution!! My PDA contacts are stored in a separate contacts file i.e. not the Global Address List. What I did was I removed my personal contacts folder in the Contacts Options list.

Contacts -> Click the book icon -> Tool -> Options -> In the last dialog box "When sending mail, check names using these address list in the following order". I removed my personal contacts folder from the list, and leave only my Global Address List. And that's it! Now my PDA contacts can have te photos, and it will still sync my contacts (with photos) to my personal contacts folder, but the contact photos will not appear in the email message header.

Finally, my problem is solved. Hope this solution works for you too.

Regards, SIMS