Where is "Show position of the mouse when the Control key is pressed" [duplicate]

I am using Ubuntu 13.04.

CTRL Key in VirtualBox is not working for me, that's because the "Show position of the mouse..." is hogging the CTRL key.

I don't see an option to disable this in the Mouse settings. Any idea what is going on? Any way to modify this behavior without the GUI?

Setting not available

This might or might not, work.

Install Dconf editor:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Open Dconf and navigate to:

org -> gnome -> settings deamon -> peripherals -> mouse  

There should be a setting there titled locate-pointer.

enter image description here

If it's not there, then I don't think its possible to change this. Very weird it defaults to on...

This feature has been removed in newer versions of Gnome (3.6 and up) so you will no longer be able to change this. If you upgraded from a previous version of Ubuntu that is probably why you have this issue.

I would suggest doing a fresh install.