Closed-form analytical solutions to Optimal Transport/Wasserstein distance

Although a bit old, this is indeed a good question. Here is my bit on the matter:

  1. Regarding Gaussian Mixture Models: A Wasserstein-type distance in the space of Gaussian Mixture Models, Julie Delon and Agnes Desolneux,

  2. Using the 2-Wasserstein metric, Mallasto and Feragen geometrize the space of Gaussian processes with $L_2$ mean and covariance functions over compact index spaces: Learning from uncertain curves: The 2-Wasserstein metric for Gaussian processes, Anton Mallasto, Aasa Feragen

  3. Wasserstein space of elliptical distributions are characterized by Muzellec and Cuturi. Authors show that for elliptical probability distributions, Wasserstein distance can be computed via a simple Riemannian descent procedure: Generalizing Point Embeddings using the Wasserstein Space of Elliptical Distributions, Boris Muzellec and Marco Cuturi (Not closed form)

  4. Tree metrics as ground metrics yield negative definite OT metrics that can be computed in a closed form. Sliced-Wasserstein distance is then a particular (special) case (the tree is a chain): Tree-Sliced Variants of Wasserstein Distances, Tam Le, Makoto Yamada, Kenji Fukumizu, Marco Cuturi

  5. Sinkhorn distances/divergences (Cuturi, 2013) are now treated as new forms of distances (e.g. not approximations to $\mathcal{W}_2^2$) (Genevay et al, 2019). Recently, this entropy regularized optimal transport distance is found to admit a closed form for Gaussian measures: Janati et al (2020). This fascinating finding also extends to the unbalanced case.

I would be happy to keep this list up to date and evolving.