Best way to pass parameters to jQuery's .load()

Is there a difference in passing parameters to .load



$("#myDiv").load("myScript.php", {var1:x, var2:y, var3:z})

Also, is there a size limit to how much .load can handle? Can myScript.php return a couple hundred rows of data without issue?

In the first case, the data are passed to the script via GET, in the second via POST.

I don't think there are limits to the data size, but the completition of the remote call will of course take longer with great amount of data.

As Davide Gualano has been told. This one


use GET method for sending the request, and this one

$("#myDiv").load("myScript.php", {var:x, var2:y, var3:z})

use POST method for sending the request. But any limitation that is applied to each method (post/get) is applied to the alternative usages that has been mentioned in the question.

For example: url length limits the amount of sending data in GET method.