Check if String contains substring in clojure

I need to check if a java String contains a substring in my tests.

This doesn't work because java strings are not collections:

(deftest test_8
    (testing "get page from sputnik"
        (let [
            band "Isis"
            page (get-sputnikpage-for-artist band)
            (is (contains? band "Isis")))));does NOT work

Is there a way to convert java strings into collections? Or can I check for substring occurences in other ways?

The easiest way is to use the contains method from java.lang.String:

(.contains "The Band Named Isis" "Isis")

=> true

You can also do it with regular expressions, e.g.

(re-find #"Isis" "The Band Named Isis")

=> "Isis"

(re-find #"Osiris" "The Band Named Isis")

=> nil

If you need your result to be true or false, you can wrap it in boolean:

(boolean (re-find #"Osiris" "The Band Named Isis"))

=> false

Clojure 1.8 has introduced includes? function.

(use '[clojure.string :as s])
(s/includes? "abc" "ab") ; true
(s/includes? "abc" "cd") ; false