ls - default arguments to save time

Solution 1:

Look up the alias command.

alias list='ls -l'

If you want this to "stick" add it to your .bashrc file.

Solution 2:

The normal pattern is to have ll aliased to this.

In Ubuntu 10 it is already done.

Here is an extract from the default .bashrc:

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'

My .bashrc looks like this:

alias   l='ls --color=always -F'
alias  ll='ls --color=always -F -lh'
alias   L='ls --color=always -F     -L'
alias  LL='ls --color=always -F -lh -L'
alias  la='ls --color=always -F        -a'
alias lla='ls --color=always -F -lh    -a'
alias  l.='ls --color=always -F        -A --ignore=\*'
alias ll.='ls --color=always -F -lh    -A --ignore=\*'

Note: changing the meaning of an existing command is considered dangerous, e.g., alias ls='ls -l'. It can change the behavior of (badly written, though most) scripts.

Solution 3:

You can use the alias command.

alias ls="ls -l"

You can either type this out in a shell session, or you can put it in a file to be sourced, a good one would be ~/.bashrc. If you run it in a shell session, the alias will exist until you exit the shell. If you put it in your a file and source it each time the shell is run (such as by simply putting it in ~/.bashrc), the alias will be created each time you open a shell.

Solution 4:


alias ls="ls -l"

in your ~/.bashrc file.