How to open "BigTIFF" files?

I'm looking for some software that would open BigTIFF files on a mac - ones that are 6GB or bigger. (I'm not opposed to writing some code to do so, but I'd prefer a prewritten solution.)

Does macOS have any built-in software to handle this sort of thing? If not, are there any commonly-used external programs or libraries that I could employ?

I just need to view the images and be able to zoom in - I don't need to edit them.


Just to be clear, I am not wanting to view large TIFF images. I am specifically referring to bigTIFF images. If you are not familiar with these, please refer to

Yes, macOS includes the Preview app which can open large TIFF images.

By default, the Preview app is located within your Applications folder.

The Preview app actually offers a lot of functionality, including:

  • opening images and PDFs
  • editing images and PDFs
  • signing documents
  • sharing files
  • annotation

For more details, see this page.

If I've misunderstood your question, please feel free to clarify it.