How to connect existing Android Studio project to existing Github repository

So I am new to Android development and Android Studio.

I used Android Studio to create an Android project, and each time I wanted to commit the code to GitHub, I switched over to the command line and committed/pushed the code from there.

However, I realize now that Android Studio has it's own features for connecting to GitHub. I'd like to use those features.

Since the project already exists, I prefer not to just create a new GitHub repository from Android Studio and delete the old one. I just want to connect the existing GitHub repository with the Android Studio project.

How can I sync these up?

Solution 1:

Maybe it is a little bit late, but if it helps to someone here is what I do in command line:

cd <proyect folder>
git init
git remote add origin <link to repo>
git fetch origin
git checkout master

note: if there are commits on the repo it may require you to remove conflicting files

git add --all
git commit -m "<message>"
git push

Solution 2:

Connecting existing Android Studio project to existing Github repository

If your local project is newer than the one on GitHub, then you can temporarily move it to another location, import the GitHub version into Android studio, delete these old files, and copy in the new files. Then push the changes back to GitHub. The directions to do all of this are here. This takes some command line work, but after it is set up, you can do any future commits right in Android Studio.

Committing and pushing to GitHub from Android Studio

After making a change, you can commit it by selecting the app folder in the Android view (or the main project folder in whatever view you are using). Then go to VCS > Git > Commit Directory....

enter image description here

Add a commit message and click Commit.

enter image description here

Then go to VCS > Git > Push to push your changes to GitHub.

enter image description here

That's it.

Solution 3:

I would view this thread if you want to create a new project.

How do you synchronise projects to GitHub with Android Studio?

If this doesn't help then I would just delete your current(local) project and import from github.

I would recommend staying with command line. It is great practice. View link below for more information.

Solution 4:

This may help but I find it easier to the use the Git Hub desktop software which can be found here for mac: and here for windows:

Based on my use of the mac one.

Solution 5:

I was having the same issue and was looking for a solution. The answers provided on this thread are useful as git goes, but didn't answer my question. After some tinkering around I found my own solution. I cloned the git repository that I wanted to merge my existing Android Studio Project with. I copied over the '.git' folder from the cloned repository to my main Project folder for Android studio. I staged files and committed them, and pushed them to the existing git repository. Doing so updated my git repository with my existing project. I didn't have to create a new Git repository.

Make note that you will have to set up your "remotes" as you would have to do with command line. Your remote will be the same URL used to clone the repository.