Can you turn off the (the lighting) of the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pros?

So I don't have a the new MacBook Pro here, but can you actually turn the TouchBar off, like you can turn off the backlit keyboard, when you're watching movie in example?

Searching on to do some research didn't find any information about this function.

Can a tool or setting or script turn off the touch bar illumination on demand?

Solution 1:

You can turn off the Touch Bar with this open source utility, Touch Bar Disabler. It disables the Touch Bar display, while mapping brightness controls onto Ctrl + 0, Ctrl + 1, volume controls onto Ctrl + 8, Ctrl + 9, Ctrl + 0.

Touch Bar Disabler's screenshot

Solution 2:

You can't actually turn it off manually but it will automatically after 75 seconds of inactivity (Trackpad or Keyboard). It could be nice to turn it off manually or at least change the duration. I hope it will be implemented in the future.

Solution 3:

Touch Bar will turn off after 60 seconds of inactivity. It's impossible to turn it off manually ATM.

Solution 4:

A new alternative is "Hide My Bar". Hotkey can be changed, also if the Touch Bar is hidden, you can change Brightness, Keyboard Brightness and Volume from the menu bar (like w

screenshot screenshot 2

Solution 5:

Here is a description of how to hide the touch bar with BetterTouch tool (link).

My configurations are:

  1. Settings > Keyboard Settings > Keyboard
  2. Better Touch tool > TouchBar. An empty action and its settings enter image description here Action settings Action settings

And now my TouchBar does not show anything until I press Control key.