How to convert UIColor to HEX and display in NSLog
I have checked several links on how to convert UIColor codes to HEX however I am not sure on how to call to the method to display them in NSLog. I haven't got the reputation to comment so posting as a question is my last resort. I want it to display when I run my app in the log.
Second, where do I input the RGB color number ( R = 30, G = 171, B = 13)? I see that all examples use Array [0], [1], [2] which normally refers to index position, so where do I add the color values?
I have this code:
- (NSString *) hexFromUIColor:(UIColor *)color {
if (CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(color.CGColor) < 4) {
const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:components[30] green:components[141] blue:components[13] alpha:components[1]];
if (CGColorSpaceGetModel(CGColorGetColorSpace(color.CGColor)) != kCGColorSpaceModelRGB) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#FFFFFF"];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%02X%02X%02X", (int)((CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor))[0]*255.0), (int)((CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor))[1]*255.0), (int)((CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor))[2]*255.0)];
Links I have checked:
hex color from uicolor
How to convert HEX RGB color codes to UIColor?
I have tried to call the method in viewDidLoad however it wont work without UIColor. I am sure it's something simple.
Thanks to anyone who answers.
What is the code I use in my viewDidLoad to call to this method in order to display in NSLog?
Swift 5:
func hexStringFromColor(color: UIColor) -> String {
let components = color.cgColor.components
let r: CGFloat = components?[0] ?? 0.0
let g: CGFloat = components?[1] ?? 0.0
let b: CGFloat = components?[2] ?? 0.0
let hexString = String.init(format: "#%02lX%02lX%02lX", lroundf(Float(r * 255)), lroundf(Float(g * 255)), lroundf(Float(b * 255)))
return hexString
func colorWithHexString(hexString: String) -> UIColor {
var colorString = hexString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
colorString = colorString.replacingOccurrences(of: "#", with: "").uppercased()
let alpha: CGFloat = 1.0
let red: CGFloat = self.colorComponentFrom(colorString: colorString, start: 0, length: 2)
let green: CGFloat = self.colorComponentFrom(colorString: colorString, start: 2, length: 2)
let blue: CGFloat = self.colorComponentFrom(colorString: colorString, start: 4, length: 2)
let color = UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
return color
func colorComponentFrom(colorString: String, start: Int, length: Int) -> CGFloat {
let startIndex = colorString.index(colorString.startIndex, offsetBy: start)
let endIndex = colorString.index(startIndex, offsetBy: length)
let subString = colorString[startIndex..<endIndex]
let fullHexString = length == 2 ? subString : "\(subString)\(subString)"
var hexComponent: UInt32 = 0
guard Scanner(string: String(fullHexString)).scanHexInt32(&hexComponent) else {
return 0
let hexFloat: CGFloat = CGFloat(hexComponent)
let floatValue: CGFloat = CGFloat(hexFloat / 255.0)
return floatValue
How to use
let red = CGFloat(30.0)
let green = CGFloat(171.0)
let blue = CGFloat(13.0)
let alpha = CGFloat(1.0)
let color = UIColor(red: CGFloat(red/255.0), green: CGFloat(green/255.0), blue: CGFloat(blue / 255.0), alpha: alpha)
let colorCode = self.hexStringFromColor(color: color)
let resultColor = self.colorWithHexString(hexString: colorCode)
- (NSString *)hexStringFromColor:(UIColor *)color {
const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
CGFloat r = components[0];
CGFloat g = components[1];
CGFloat b = components[2];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%02lX%02lX%02lX",
lroundf(r * 255),
lroundf(g * 255),
lroundf(b * 255)];
After getting hex code string, Call below method to get UIColor
- (UIColor *) colorWithHexString: (NSString *) hexString
NSString *colorString = [[hexString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"#" withString: @""] uppercaseString];
NSLog(@"colorString :%@",colorString);
CGFloat alpha, red, blue, green;
// #RGB
alpha = 1.0f;
red = [self colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 0 length: 2];
green = [self colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 2 length: 2];
blue = [self colorComponentFrom: colorString start: 4 length: 2];
return [UIColor colorWithRed: red green: green blue: blue alpha: alpha];
- (CGFloat) colorComponentFrom: (NSString *) string start: (NSUInteger) start length: (NSUInteger) length {
NSString *substring = [string substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(start, length)];
NSString *fullHex = length == 2 ? substring : [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", substring, substring];
unsigned hexComponent;
[[NSScanner scannerWithString: fullHex] scanHexInt: &hexComponent];
return hexComponent / 255.0;
How to use
// ( R = 30, G = 171, B = 13)?
CGFloat red = 30.0;
CGFloat green = 171.0;
CGFloat blue = 13.0;
CGFloat alpha = 255.0
UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithRed:(red/255.0) green:(green/255.0) blue:(blue/255.0) alpha:(alpha/255.0)];
NSString *colorCode = [self hexStringFromColor:color];
NSLog(@"Color Code: %@", colorCode);
UIColor *resultColor = [self colorWithHexString:colorCode];
And finally the version which works with alpha-component and uses right multiplier
extension UIColor {
var hexString: String? {
var red: CGFloat = 0
var green: CGFloat = 0
var blue: CGFloat = 0
var alpha: CGFloat = 0
let multiplier = CGFloat(255.999999)
guard self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) else {
return nil
if alpha == 1.0 {
return String(
format: "#%02lX%02lX%02lX",
Int(red * multiplier),
Int(green * multiplier),
Int(blue * multiplier)
else {
return String(
format: "#%02lX%02lX%02lX%02lX",
Int(red * multiplier),
Int(green * multiplier),
Int(blue * multiplier),
Int(alpha * multiplier)
Kampai's answer works for RGB colors, but not for monochrome (UIColor colorWithWhite:alpha:). It also doesn't handle alpha, which HEX supports. Here's a slightly modified version of hexStringFromColor:
+ (NSString *)hexStringFromColor:(UIColor *)color
CGColorSpaceModel colorSpace = CGColorSpaceGetModel(CGColorGetColorSpace(color.CGColor));
const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
CGFloat r, g, b, a;
if (colorSpace == kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome) {
r = components[0];
g = components[0];
b = components[0];
a = components[1];
else if (colorSpace == kCGColorSpaceModelRGB) {
r = components[0];
g = components[1];
b = components[2];
a = components[3];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%02lX%02lX%02lX%02lX",
lroundf(r * 255),
lroundf(g * 255),
lroundf(b * 255),
lroundf(a * 255)];