R: Replacing NA values by mean of hour with dplyr
shop.data %>%
group_by(hour) %>%
mutate(profit= ifelse(is.na(profit), mean(profit, na.rm=TRUE), profit))
# day hour profit
#1 1 8 100
#2 1 16 200
#3 2 8 50
#4 2 16 60
#5 3 8 75
#6 3 16 130
Or you could use replace
shop.data %>%
group_by(hour) %>%
mutate(profit= replace(profit, is.na(profit), mean(profit, na.rm=TRUE)))
A (less elegant) approach with base functions:
profit = ifelse(is.na(profit),
ave(profit, hour, FUN = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
# day hour profit
# 1 1 8 100
# 2 1 16 200
# 3 2 8 50
# 4 2 16 60
# 5 3 8 75
# 6 3 16 130