Connecting iPhone to hotel's ethernet network

I am going on holiday tomorrow and the hotel I am staying in does not have wireless internet access in the bedrooms (awful oversight I know!). They do however have ethernet points in each room. I will only be taking my iPhone with me on this trip which obviously doesn't have an ethernet port. However I do have a Netgear DG834PN modem-router which I can take with me.

I had a thought that I could put the router in bridged mode and use it as a wireless access point so that my iPhone can utilise the ethernet network. Does this sound correct? If I understand bridging correctly, this will mean that I won't need to assign an IP address to my router as it will take the one handed out by the DHCP server in the hotel.

Is any of this at all correct? If not, do I have any options or am I stuck?

Solution 1:

Yes, this could work. It's an odd solution, but allowing your router to be a bridge, then presenting a wireless SSID to your iPhone is a way to make this work. Perhaps the hotel assumed guests would bring laptop computers, thus the hard-wired ethernet ports...