Importing Project-Swift.h into a Objective-C class...file not found

I have a project that was started in Objective-C, and I am trying to import some Swift code into the same class files that I have previously written Objective-C in.

I have consulted the Apple docs on using Swift and Objective-C in the same project, as well as SO question like this, but still no avail: I continue to get the file not found error after putting in #import "NewTestApp-Swift.h" (NewTestApp is the name of the Product and module).

Here is what I have done so far:

  1. In Define Modules, selected YES for the app.
  2. Ensured that the Product Module name did not have any space in it (see screenshot below question)

I have tried using #import "NewTestApp-Swift.h" inside ViewController.m, ViewController.h and AppDelegate.m but none of them has worked.

What else am I doing incorrectly? Thanks for your help.

Screenshot of settings:

enter image description here

Errors that I am presently encountering:

enter image description here

I was running into the same issue and couldn't get my project to import swift into obj-c classes. Using Xcode 6, (should work for Xcode 6+) and was able to do it in this way....

  1. Any class that you need to access in the .h file needs to be a forward declaration like this

@class MySwiftClass;

  1. In the .m file ONLY, if the code is in the same project (module) then you need to import it with

#import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h"

Link to the apple documentation about it

If the Swift code is inside a Module (like in your case):

#import <ProductName/ProductModuleName-Swift.h>

If the Swift code is inside the project (mixed Swift and ObjC):

#import <ProductModuleName-Swift.h>

In your case, you have to add this line in the *.m file:

#import <NewTestApp/NewTestApp-Swift.h>

IMPORTANT: look at the "<" in the import statement

How I managed to import swift into objective-c:

  • Defines Module set to YES (on project - not on target)
  • Product Module Name set (on target - not on project)
  • In your ViewController.m import the swift code with:

    #import "MyProductModuleName-Swift.h"
  • Add a swift file to your objective-c project (File -> New -> Swift) and Xcode will create the bridging header from objective-c to Swift but this is crucial for making it work the other way around too - apparently.

For the last piece in this puzzle thanks to Swiftoverload for making me aware of actually adding a Swift file via Xcode GUI and not just dragging and dropping existing swift-files into my project for making it work:

Using Xcode 8.2.1 and if you look at Project > Build Settings > Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name, there it shows only one header file named like Product-Swift.h

This means that instead of importing each modules separately from Objective-C .m file, using individual -Swift.h file, you just import one Product-Swift.h which aggregated all Swift modules.

I encountered the same problem by looking for traditional way of importing modules separately, but the current version of Xcode and Swift 3 changed it to use only one header for all module importing.