Upgrade bash without using the terminal to fix iterm issue dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
How can I upgrade bash or otherwise get a CLI to work?
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/bash
Reason: image not found
Out of nowhere iTerm stopped working.
I uninstalled then reinstalled the latest version. Still getting this error
Then i tried the default Terminal mac app. Now seeing this in there
I have been searching similar problems and they seem to all give instructions on how to update BREW or bash.
But the instructions are with the CLI, which i cannot access
Update 1
I changed the path per a suggestion in the comments. Now Terminal app works but iTerm still has a "broken pipe"
This was what helped me, there may be more "correct" ways but if you just need to get it working, give it a go.
Step 1
Open the default Terminal app, then click on Preferences
You will see a path for "Shells open with"
Change the path to
Close everything out and restart Terminal. Now it should be working, if not, sorry you might have an additional problem that I did not have. But proceed if you are good at this point.
Step 2
proceed to now update bash
brew install bash
Because I ran install I also had to unlink
brew unlink bash
then I ran the command again to install
brew install bash
At this point i started iTerm up again with no problem