@Android display /res/viewable in WebView

I am throwing HTML to a webview to render. In the HTML I need to load an image that I have in /res/drawable.

I have /res/drawable/my_image.png and code such as this:

final WebView browser = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.my_webview);
String html = new MyHelper(myObject).getHtml();
browser.loadDataWithBaseURL("", html, "text/html", "UTF-8", "");

Where the String html has something like:

<h1>Here is the image</h1>
<img src="my_image.png" />

The question is, what should that image src attribute be to refer to the image in /res/drawable?

This worked in android 2.2

<img src = "file:///android_res/drawable/q1.png" />

where q1.png is in the res/drawable-hdpi folder

I admit I don't know much about WebViews / HTML, but it seems like you're taking the more complicated route for this. There's an easy way to load the HTML file; put it in your assets folder, and then it can be referred to as follows.

WebView webView = new WebView(this);

Obviously your layout is more complex as you have more than just the WebView so you can't use setContentView() directly, but that's the basic idea. Then to reference an image in that HTML file, I used a <img> tag like so:

<img src="res/drawable/icon.png"/>

Does that work for you?


Your method is incorrect. res/drawable/banner300.jpg should be file:///android_res/drawable/banner300.jpg.

banner300.jpg can be in one of the following locations in your project, and android will automatically load the correct one for the device you're using.

  • res/drawable/banner300.jpg
  • res/drawable-ldpi/banner300.jpg
  • res/drawable-mdpi/banner300.jpg
  • res/drawable-hdpi/banner300.jpg
  • res/drawable-xhdpi/banner300.jpg

The assets folder is for generic resources that you don't need different versions of. An example might be an XSL template, or something of that nature.

MikeNereson, your response to your problem is also incorrect, drawable resources should be contained in the res directory.

Here's an example from my own project. I output html, exactly like this:

<img src="file:///android_res/drawable/stats_btn.png"/>

If using an ldpi device, I get the ldpi image, if using hdpi or mdpi, I get the appropriate one for those as well. Android resolves file:///android_res/drawable/stats_btn.png to one of the following resources that I have in my project.

  • ./res/drawable-ldpi/stats_btn.png
  • ./res/drawable-hdpi/stats_btn.png
  • ./res/drawable-mdpi/stats_btn.png