Why doesn't my grub background show?

It ended up being the image resolution... I resized it to be exactly 1280x1024 and it worked fine. I guess grub does not know how to resize/scale an image. Sorry about answering my own question and accepting my own answer... but that's the solution and I think someone could find it useful

Instead of manually editing the config file i would say download Grub Customizer Portable then mark the applications ‘executable’ after download - Right click > Properties > Permissions > Check ‘allow executing as a programme’ then double-click and run Now Edit -> Prefrences -> Appearance (tab) and edit it.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Flagging as solved for me since i changed the image format to .png. size went up to 400+kb but .jpg was only 190kb. dont know why it supports a larger image. Probably .jpg is unsupported