Remove warscore limit

It seems like in EU4, the warscore requirements are too strict. For instance, when fighting a large country such as Spain or France, it is impossible to take over all their territory in one war, even if you completely destroy all their armies and occupy all their territory.

This strikes me as unrealistic, and more importantly, hinders my enjoyment of the game. I understand that the mechanic was balanced for multiplayer, which makes sense, since I play only singleplayer. I would like to somehow adjust warscore costs so that any country, no matter how large, can be annexed in its entirety when 100% warscore is attained.

Are there any mods that allow you to do this? Can I do it myself?

I'd rather see it as unrealistic to just conquer one large nation in one fell swoop. If you could, you'd be swamped in rebellions as the people really don't like having their cultural identity taken away. How are you going to control this many newly added provinces to your realm? Empires created like this historically collapsed within a few decades (see Alexander, the mongols or Napoleon). Your neighbors would be very concerned and feel threatened, especially when you conquer territory without even a flimsy claim to it.

In game terms, simply changing the warscore limit won't help you much. Imagine you take the entirety of france in one war. Overextension would kill you. Annexing a country like this in one go would result in easily 1000% overextension, meaning your realm would grind to a complete halt and massive rebellions within a year. Aggressive expansion would kill you. The AE acquired through such an annexation would immediately create a massive coalition, which then quickly destroys you.

The only mod coming to my mind is Arcade Mode, which accelrates the entire game (tech, sieges, everything immensely; disables truce timers as well overextension and AE.)