Twig syntax highlighting sublime text

Solution 1:


Syntax highlighting and auto-completion for Twig in Sublime Text 2
is possible with : PHP-Twig.tmbundle

  • TWIG Doc "IDEs Integration" :
  • Bundle's Github :
  • Bundle's Documentation :


You can clone the project with :

git clone

Or download it directly from the Github (last master version) :


To install this bundle in Sublime Text, a few extra steps are required.

  1. Open Sublime Text and in the Preferences menu click Browse Packages.
  2. In the directory that was just opened, create a new directory PHP-Twig/.
  3. Copy the content of this repo into the directory you just created.
  4. Move the contents of the PHP-Twig/Syntaxes/ directory to PHP-Twig/
  5. Restart Sublime Text.


To apply syntax highlighting on your Twig HTML files :

  1. Open a .html.twig file
  2. Go to View menu → SyntaxOpen all with current extension asHTML (Twig)

That’s it. It should work by now.

Happy Coding!


Twig syntax highlighting sublime text 2

Solution 2:

You can also install PHP-Twig.tmbundle through Sublime Text's Package Control.

With Package Control installed:

  1. Go to PreferencesPackage ControlInstall Package
  2. Type "Twig", and select PHP-Twig.

It will install the same version of @antoine-subit's answer, and will automatically use the correct syntax for any Twig file you open

Solution 3:

If you're not used to Sublime, don't forget to click on the bottom right of the sublime window (a drop up/down should appear) and then select "HTML (Twig)" from the list of languages in order to enable the package!

Solution 4:

I'm working on Ubuntu, I have solved the problem by downloading and I have done what was wrote inside ReadMe file.

  • After restarting Sublime Text choose the option called “HTML (Twig)” in “View->Syntax” menu to see the new highlighting.
  • To automatically highlight all twig files, open any html.twig template and select “View->Syntax->Open all current extension as…->HTML (Twig)”