jQuery validator and a custom rule that uses AJAX

For anyone else who stumbles upon this, validate supports 'remote' method, which may not have existed in 2010:


  rules: {
    email: {
      required: true,
      email: true,
      remote: {
        url: "check-email.php",
        type: "post",
        data: {
          username: function() {
            return $("#username").val();

You are doing an AJAX request, ergo: the validation is already finished working when your custom validator returns either true or false.

You will need to work with async. See also this post: How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?

Something like:

function myValidator() {
   var isSuccess = false;

   $.ajax({ url: "", 
            data: {}, 
            async: false, 
                function(msg) { isSuccess = msg === "true" ? true : false }
    return isSuccess;


As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the success/error/complete callback options instead of the corresponding methods of the jqXHR object such as jqXHR.done() or the deprecated jqXHR.success().