Is there a single word (or expression) used to describe a person who does their job only when their boss is watching?

look busy

"Quick the boss is coming, we need to look busy"

Is there a single word (or expression) to describe a person who only does their job while someone (the boss/manager) is watching, but who does everything except work while unsupervised.

We thought "shirker" might be an option, but that is just a lazy person who avoids work when ever possible. We're searching for a word that describes someone who deviously pretends to be super productive & efficient in front of (the "right") people, but actually reverts to doing virtually nothing as soon as people aren't watching.

Note: we hate micromanaging people or being micromanaged, but there are people who will sit on Facebook or Buzzfeed all day if not constantly supervised... what are they called...?

Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

"Slacker" has the sense of someone who doesn't do work until compelled to (e.g. By the boss's presence). Where a "shirker" would like to avoid the work entirely, a slacker is perfectly capable of doing something but chooses not to at the moment. Here's one of the definitions from Urban Dictionary: "someone who is very lazy, doesn't do their work until the last minute, and frankly, enjoys it." This doesn't catch exactly what you want, but I don't think you'll find something more specific to the boss coming into the room.