C++: Overloaded template alias

If you want to write a fancy conditional forwarder, you'll have to not just use using.

template<class A, class B, class... C>
struct vector_map_helper {
  using type = other_namespace::vector_map<A,B>;
// specialize for 3:
template<class A, class B, class C>
struct vector_map_helper<A,B,C> {
  using type = other_namespace::vector_map<A,B,C>;
template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class...Z>
struct vector_map_helper<A,B,C,D, Z...>; // error 4 or more

template<class A, class B, class... C>
using vector_map = typename vector_map_helper<A,B,C...>::type;

in general, even if you are implementing a std library, you should avoid adding any "user facing" interfaces to your std that do not come from the std library. And the stuff you do support should match std specifications.

Have a nonstd or a std_ext namespace for non-std extensions. This will both make existing code either fail to compile or work when ported over, and it will avoid training your programmer-users in bad habits about what is in std.

It is also illegal to add most things to std with narrow exceptions, like std::hash specializations.