How do I copy/paste a command on mac?

Solution 1:

Use the same commands you use outside Minecraft to copy/paste on a Mac:

  • Paste: ⌘ Command+V
  • Copy: ⌘ Command+C
  • Cut: ⌘ Command+X
  • Select all: ⌘ Command+A
  • Select part of text per symbol: Shift+ or Shift+ (In the direction you want to select the text)
  • Select part of text per word: Ctrl+Shift+ or Ctrl+Shift+ (In the direction you want to select the text)

These shortcuts work inside the chat, in Command Blocks and most other text fields ingame. They do not work with signs, unfortunately

Solution 2:

For 1.8 and above, use Cmd + C to copy, and Cmd + V to paste, just like the rest of the operating system.

To select all text, use Ctrl + A

For below 1.8, use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste inside Minecraft. To copy and paste outside, use Cmd + C and Cmd + V. If you want to copy outside of Minecraft to inside, use Cmd + C outside then Ctrl + V inside, and vice versa.

To select all text, use Ctrl + A