Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio
I'm using Android Studio. How can I manually install and use Gradle
within Android Studio
I've downloaded Gradle
from version
When I open the zipped file I can see bin, docs etc, but I don't know where to copy it. And even after copying how to use it within Android..
Solution 1:
Download The Latest Gradle Distribution File and Extract It, Then Copy all Files and Paste it Under:
Solution 2:
Android Studio will automatically use the Gradle wrapper and pull the correct version of Gradle rather than use a locally installed version. If you wish to use a new version of Gradle, you can change the version used by studio. Beneath your Android Studio's project tree, open the file gradle/wrapper/
. Change this entry:
Solution 3:
Step 1: Go to the download site from Gradle:
Step 2: Extract the downloaded zip file into a directory.
Step 2: Hit Ctrl + Alt + S (mac: ⌘ + ,) in Android studio/Intellij IDEA
Step 3: Goto: Build, Execution, Deployment >> Build Tools >> Gradle (Or just type in the searchbar Gradle)
Step 4: Select: (X) Use local gradle distribution and set Gradle home to your extracted Gradle directory. Click on apply.
Step 5: Get rid of your unnecessary gradle files delete:
- MyApp/gradle/
- gradlew
- gradlew.bat
Solution 4:
1.Download the Gradle form gradle distribution
2.Extract file to some location
3.Open Android Studio : File > Settings > Gradle > Use local gradle distribution navigate the path where you have extracted the gradle. apply and ok
EDIT 1: In the latest version of AS, the option is called "Use Gradle from: Specified location, thanks @Adam Burley for suggestion