Deleting all of the breakpoints solves the problem when I hit this error. Disabling the breakpoints was not enough - they had to be deleted.

I was able to attach to a process numerous times. Once I added a conditional breakpoint (with a few checks), I started getting this error when attempting to attach to that same process.

The error provided in the question is one problem. I also received an error stating that a debugger was already attached when I tried again. Either way, deleting breakpoints solved it.

Try turning on Options > Debugging > General > "Use Managed Compatibility Mode"

I got this error/crash too while debugging and trying to inspect a variable with 50 MB of text data in it. This option worked in both VS2013 and in VS2015 to allow me to debug and inspect the variable with large data.

setting to be enabled

A couple of things that worked for me:

  • Try Closing VStudio and relaunching.
  • If not, reboot helps.[I know thats generic, but its worth a shot]
  • Disable unnecessary break points.