How can I improve/replace View Source in Safari?

As a new convert to Safari, I am astonished by how unbearably ugly default page source view is.
The font is miserably small and unaliased, leave alone color highlighting.

Is there a way to enhance Safari's View Source feature or seamlessly replace it?

I'm looking for:

  • reasonable default font, customizable is better;
  • basic HTML/JS syntax highlighting;
  • working on Lion.

Please refrain from suggesting viewing source with Web Inspector: it is nice but isn't convenient for quick source browsing.

Solution 1:


It's similar to the view source in Chrome in a lot of ways:

  • It has syntax highlighting and line numbers
  • It's opened in a tab instead of a window
  • Uses the default monospace font specified in preferences instead of Monaco 12


  • Line numbers are included in selections
  • The source view cannot be opened with a shortcut
  • Takes slightly longer to appear than the normal source window

Setting a default zoom level in a custom style sheet

The custom style sheet you can specify in the Advanced tab of the preferences also affects the view source window. I don't know how to target it specifically, but this would apply a default zoom level to both it and website content:

body { zoom: 125%; }

view source in TextMate.scpt

tell application "Safari" to tell document 1
    repeat 100 times
        if (do JavaScript "document.readyState") is "complete" then exit repeat
        delay 0.05
    end repeat
    set src to source
    set u to URL
end tell

    tell application "TextMate"
        open POSIX file u
    end tell
on error
    set f to do shell script "f=`echo " & quoted form of u & " |
    sed 's|.*://||;s|/$||;s|:|-|g;s|/|-|g'`; echo \"/tmp/view-source-$f.html\""
    do shell script "/bin/echo " & quoted form of src & " > " & quoted form of f
    set f to POSIX file f
    tell application "TextMate"
        open f
    end tell
end try

Solution 2:

Take a look at this Safari extension:

enter image description here

BetterSource Safari 5 Extension

BetterSource shows the document source in a new tab, with line numbers, and colour syntax highlighting.

Solution 3:

You need to go to System Preferences - General and at the bottom set the minimum font size for antialiasing to 4 pixels. That way you'll get antialiasing for small fonts.

(I never understood why they have to let you select that - under 8px fonts are just not readable without antialiasing)