In R markdown in RStudio, how can I prevent the source code from running off a pdf page?

Solution 1:

Use the width.cutoff argument inside tidy.opts knitr options to specify the output width :

```{r, tidy=TRUE, tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60)}
plot(DT$age, DT$height, xlab = "Age of participant in Trials", ylab = "Height of participant in trials")

You can define this option globally for your whole file with a chunk like this :


The tidy.opts options are passed to the formatR package which does the tidying (if I understand correctly). In-depth informations about formatR can be found here :

Solution 2:

The formatR solution also did not work for me, what worked for me was adding the below code to the YAML metadata

title: ...
author: ...

In the .tex file, the Highlighting environment is used to print the code. The code above redefines the default Highlighting environment to include the breaklines option, which requires the fvextra package and creates the line wrap for us.