Minecraft 1.9 freezes if I click on things too quickly

So Minecraft 1.8 was working without a hitch and then when I tried out 1.9 I have tons of trouble. I can load my world and move around, but if I say open a chest, close it and repeat this 3 times the game will freeze and won't even generate an error message - suffice it to say this is very frustrating. Things I have tried:

  • Running 1.9,1.9.1 and 1.9.2 - all have same crash/freeze
  • 1.8 works perfectly
  • updating video card drivers
  • Updating java
  • Reistalling Minecraft
  • updating to windows 10 (I was running 8 before)
  • restarting my computer
  • allocating an extra 3GB of RAM to Minecraft (total of 4GB)

Overall system specs:

Decent computer with 8GB of ram, i7 processor and using admin privileges.

Minecraft: I am using Vanilla Minecraft

I'm really at a loss here so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

I found out, this is a duplicate of: What is the "Use VBOs" setting?

I did everything now for you, and I hope you have all your questions solved.

Try to turn VBOs and VSync on in the Minecraft video options/settings.

VBO stands for "Vertex Buffer Objects"

It increase your FPS by 5% to 10% on average. This got added in a snapshot update.

Because the issue you have is, it stops drawing your world, by enabling this it saves the vertex data into your GPU memory at the start.

VSync stands for "Vertical Synchronizationbasically"

basically synchronizes your frames per second with your monitor refresh rate.

You should have experience for screen tearing!

So it should add maximal FPS which would be 60 FPS cause your monitor can only refresh that much. But if you use your FULL POWER AND WANT ALL FPS then you need to have a good computer otherwise it slowers up stuff.

If this didn't worked try it with OptiFine, maybe this is a bug so you may contact the minecraft support team but first try to turn those things on, this solved the issue for alot of peoples.