Why won't my companions react to the correct actions at all?

Solution 1:

The scripting engine for Fallout 4 is a right pain, and this shows more than anything with companions now that the dreaded "cell reset bug" is dead. Things that can go wrong include:

  • All notifications become hidden and won't appear until you restart the game
  • Companion scripts start to fire off and then are interrupted by another process (such as a sudden ambush). The game flags the conversation as complete but doesn't actually progress the associated quest. Sometimes this cleans up if you dismiss the companion and journey around for awhile without them.
  • A mod can chuck a wrench in your save due to cell or character state issues being in conflict
  • Some of the world managing scripts like the ones that manage your settlements and companions can get stuck waiting on something. You'd think they have priority, but patches have messed with this a bit. One of the worst was when Bethesda patched settlements to only load any villager information when you're in them and made settlement attacks a diceroll, effectively making your defenses moot as far as placement. What this did to settlement mods was tragic.
  • Yet more fun "features".

It sounds like all of your companions have hit the settler script, which isn't good. That's a thing that can happen if a companion breaks, and happens to Danse most often due to his changing factions during the game. It starts like this, then eventually they only take settler commands when you see them in settlements and won't follow you anymore. If you have installed a mod that overhauls the AI for companions, this can be the cause. Unfortunately, restoring an earlier save is usually the fix. On PC, sometimes the "resurrect" command fixes it, but that doesn't do you any good.