NSDate Comparison using Swift

Solution 1:

If you want to support ==, <, >, <=, or >= for NSDates, you just have to declare this somewhere:

public func ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
    return lhs === rhs || lhs.compare(rhs) == .OrderedSame

public func <(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs) == .OrderedAscending

extension NSDate: Comparable { }

Solution 2:

I like using extensions to make code more readable. Here are a few NSDate extensions that can help clean your code up and make it easy to understand. I put this in a sharedCode.swift file:

extension NSDate {

    func isGreaterThanDate(dateToCompare: NSDate) -> Bool {
        //Declare Variables
        var isGreater = false

        //Compare Values
        if self.compare(dateToCompare as Date) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending {
            isGreater = true

        //Return Result
        return isGreater

    func isLessThanDate(dateToCompare: NSDate) -> Bool {
        //Declare Variables
        var isLess = false

        //Compare Values
        if self.compare(dateToCompare as Date) == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending {
            isLess = true

        //Return Result
        return isLess

    func equalToDate(dateToCompare: NSDate) -> Bool {
        //Declare Variables
        var isEqualTo = false

        //Compare Values
        if self.compare(dateToCompare as Date) == ComparisonResult.orderedSame {
            isEqualTo = true

        //Return Result
        return isEqualTo

    func addDays(daysToAdd: Int) -> NSDate {
        let secondsInDays: TimeInterval = Double(daysToAdd) * 60 * 60 * 24
        let dateWithDaysAdded: NSDate = self.addingTimeInterval(secondsInDays)

        //Return Result
        return dateWithDaysAdded

    func addHours(hoursToAdd: Int) -> NSDate {
        let secondsInHours: TimeInterval = Double(hoursToAdd) * 60 * 60
        let dateWithHoursAdded: NSDate = self.addingTimeInterval(secondsInHours)

        //Return Result
        return dateWithHoursAdded

Now if you can do something like this:

//Get Current Date/Time
var currentDateTime = NSDate()

//Get Reminder Date (which is Due date minus 7 days lets say)
var reminderDate = dueDate.addDays(-7)

//Check if reminderDate is Greater than Right now
if(reminderDate.isGreaterThanDate(currentDateTime)) {
    //Do Something...

Solution 3:

This is how you compare two NSDates in Swift, I just tested it in Xcode's playground:

if date1.compare(date2) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending
    NSLog("date1 after date2");
} else if date1.compare(date2) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending
    NSLog("date1 before date2");
} else
    NSLog("dates are equal");

So to check if a date dueDate is within a week from now:

let dueDate=...

let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let comps = NSDateComponents()
comps.day = 7
let date2 = calendar.dateByAddingComponents(comps, toDate: NSDate(), options: NSCalendarOptions.allZeros)

if dueDate.compare(date2!) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending
    NSLog("not due within a week");
} else if dueDate.compare(date2!) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending
    NSLog("due within a week");
} else
    NSLog("due in exactly a week (to the second, this will rarely happen in practice)");

Solution 4:

I always did it in one line:

let greater = date1.timeIntervalSince1970 < date2.timeIntervalSince1970

Still readable in the if block

Solution 5:

In Swift3, the Date struct in the Foundation now implements the Comparable protocol. So, the previous Swift2 NSDate approaches are superceded by Swift3 Date.

 `Date` represents a single point in time.

 A `Date` is independent of a particular calendar or time zone. To represent a `Date` to a user, you must interpret it in the context of a `Calendar`.
public struct Date : ReferenceConvertible, Comparable, Equatable {

    // .... more         

        Returns the interval between the receiver and another given date.

        - Parameter another: The date with which to compare the receiver.

        - Returns: The interval between the receiver and the `another` parameter. If the receiver is earlier than `anotherDate`, the return value is negative. If `anotherDate` is `nil`, the results are undefined.

        - SeeAlso: `timeIntervalSince1970`
        - SeeAlso: `timeIntervalSinceNow`
        - SeeAlso: `timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate`
    public func timeIntervalSince(_ date: Date) -> TimeInterval

   // .... more 

    /// Returns true if the two `Date` values represent the same point in time.
    public static func ==(lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> Bool

    /// Returns true if the left hand `Date` is earlier in time than the right hand `Date`.
    public static func <(lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> Bool

    /// Returns true if the left hand `Date` is later in time than the right hand `Date`.
    public static func >(lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> Bool

    /// Returns a `Date` with a specified amount of time added to it.
    public static func +(lhs: Date, rhs: TimeInterval) -> Date

    /// Returns a `Date` with a specified amount of time subtracted from it.
    public static func -(lhs: Date, rhs: TimeInterval) -> Date

  // .... more

Note ...

In Swift3, Date is struct, it means that it is value type. NSDate is class, it is reference type.

// Swift3
let a = Date()
let b = a //< `b` will copy `a`. 

// So, the addresses between `a` and `b` are different.
// `Date` is some kind different with `NSDate`.