The title command in a execute command

I can't use a /title command in a /execute command. Like this:

/execute @a[score_Health_min=0,score_Health_max=1] ~ ~ ~ /title @a title ["",{"text":"/!\\ You Died :( /!\\","color":"dark_red","underlined":true}]

I use this command and it won't work. Because I'm making a map and when the player died or dying, it will say in the screen:

/!\ You Died /!\

Please help me I don't know how to do this and if it uses a fill clock. I'm just gonna add a fill clock in my map.

The \ character is a special control character for escape sequences. You had placed it before a quotation mark, which essentially prevents that quote from doing its job (closing the string) and instead to be a part of the value. The result is the next available quote closing the string, which then leads to a syntax error due to the lack of a comma afterwards.

You will want to escape the backslash by applying another backslash before it.

As well, there is no score_name_max parameter, and is thus ignored. The parameter you want is simply score_name.

Fixed command:

/execute @a[score_Health_min=0,score_Health=1] ~ ~ ~ /title @a title ["",{"text":"/!\\ You Died :( /!\\","color":"dark_red","underlined":true}]

  • where the spawn point is place two command blocks:

    /tp @p[r=2]

    /title @p[r=2]

  • make these command blocks repeating (if you're on 1.9 just set it, on 1.8 you should create a clock or more simple a small Redstone circuit with repeaters in circle)

When a player die and is in the spawn location it will execute /title command only to him, and will be teleported to the real spawn location